Thank you, I really appreciate this information.
Thank you, I really appreciate this information.
Thank you for this, I’ll try again.
I’m definitely not an expert here but I think you do need more or a higher dose. Part of vaginal atrophy is bladder problems like frequency, urgency, uti, incontinence. You can put the cream (as long as it’s specifically made for vaginas) directly on the urethral opening using your finger and it should help. At least my two day experience with my cream says it will definitely help your bladder if you put it there. Best of luck. My cream also has testosterone so you could also try that.
Thanks for this. I couldn’t get it to work. Can barely figure out this site and posting and replies omg. Appreciate the response.
I should add that my doctor called in a compounded estriol and testosterone vaginal cream and just two days in, I’m having big improvement. I know compounded is like a dirty word for some, but I have to use what is accessible to me and this is all she gave me.
I am upset really, the mods should make the subreddit read only so we have access to the information. I have questions about menopause literally every single day. I feel like it’s such a huge loss of a wealth of information and I have felt it every day since the blackout.