Then just talk about it. Set boundaries. My friends and I are relentless but have topics and boundaries which are taboo. Just grow together.
Then just talk about it. Set boundaries. My friends and I are relentless but have topics and boundaries which are taboo. Just grow together.
I too have them, believe me. I‘m working on it. The crazy thing is: nothing ever happens. If someone calls out my balding hair, literally nothing happens. No laugh track, no bill, no meteorite. Just hit back or ignore it if they want to be mean.
Have a little fun mate. Not everyone is super conscious or insecure.
Try crazy bastard sauces. They‘re awesome!
Lasagna for me as well. Just fits perfectly.
Uhhh my mother is from Croatia!! I‘ll check it out, thanks!
I‘ll check it out! Thanks!
CBS are great, love them. They‘re so fresh abd also great for people who don‘t like it too hot.
Valentina is so awesome!!
That‘s not the point. I have lots of very nice sauces, but sometimes I like Tabasco. I know its just spicy vinegar basically, but hey.
Yes, exactly. It‘s Tabasco specifically. I love everything hot sauces and have lots of them. But sometimes, Tabasco scratches a specific itch…
Already in my fridge! I‘m very lucky to have a mexican store in my town!
Wonderful, thank you for your recommendations!
Also check out Zeta Shoes! Designed in Bordeaux, made in Portugal! :)
Klar, ist immer besser. Aber mit Tofu geht halt mehr. Und die Sojabohnen kommen ja meist aus Deutschland oder Österreich. Das geht gut :)
Das ganze Thema ist einfach wahnsinnig komplex und individuell. Mir hilft z.B. Dinge nicht zu kaufen, kleineres Geschirr zu nehmen, viel zu trinken, nach einer in ihrer Menge fest umrissenen Mahlzeit eine Stunde zu warten, bis das Hungergefühl einsetzt, usw.
Kleine Strategien, die sich aufsummieren.
Edit: Ah, und proteinlastig essen. Kein Marmeladentoast sondern Hüttenkäsetoast. Keine Chips sondern Linsenwaffeln. Viel Tofu (Würfeln, Sesamöl, Salz, Pfeffer, Kartoffelstärke, Pankomehl, schwarzer Sesam, 220C Umluft 30min, Sauce dazu). Macht satt!
It‘s awesome to see. Lots of good news anything solar. My hometown in Germany is building solar like crazy.
Ja, fühlt sich gut an. Besser ja geht immer, aber in Anbetracht der Situation echt toll.
Bin sehr froh darum, dass endlich jemand den Mund aufmacht. Ich habe so Bock auf eine starke EU!
Keep clutching your pearls. Or just let it be a little dumb but altogether funny experience from some irish blokes.