this is high praise from a Kennedy
this is high praise from a Kennedy
“I was picking berries as a toddler”
here in new england a lot of what are essentially republicans run as democrats for electability reasons. not that there’s a huge difference between the two generally but we’ll get some extra chuddy dems up here for that reason that won’t even bother with a mask.
the lib refrain is ramping up: “Trump is a puppet of foreign adversaries”. He works for Russia! He works for China! He works for both! This is Voldemoard Potins master KGB plan of Stalin! like holy fuck, is it just impossible to grasp that a bunch of burger fascists are just really fucking stupid without doing the “what are we, a buncha asians”?
it’s hard for them to call a sieg heil an american imposition when it’s a european innovation. these are the fruits of natoneoliberal transatlanticism
congrats on one week! Sometimes it’s a little bit of trial and error to find your secret sauce
this is such a stupid timeline
sure it does, it’s the ‘far left’ brought to you by lockheed martin
that’s the glory of lemmy, the place where people came because their apps were taken away. it’s all of the most active ers outside of eglin afb. the people who were willing to rebroadcast that propaganda all day every day without even the military salary and dodge charger signing bonus.
i mean the fact that Allen Dulles was one of the seven commissioners appointed to the Warren Commission should really say it all.
from “The Devil’s Chessboard” (very good read) four years before Dulles died:
That little Kennedy . . . he thought he was a god.”
The words were sharp and wrong, like a curse shattering the civility of the soft evening air. They seemed particularly strange coming from the genial older gentleman strolling by Willie Morris’s side. In fact, they were the only strident remarks that Morris had heard him utter in the past few days, as the graying spymaster regaled his young visitor with a lifetime of covert adventures.
And then the storm passed. The man was himself again—the chatty and amiable Allen Welsh Dulles, a man whose conviviality masked a world of dark secrets.
real pappy bush ‘deluded gunman’ shit, these guys never hid what they did
it’s amazing and sad how so many liberal beliefs can be distilled into “DOGS CANT PLAY BASKETBALL”
i know it’s a little more complicated than a clean comparison on the exchange rate for a variety of reasons including collective negotiation but a quick and dirty search puts it at just over what you could expect to make in general service/labor positions so still targeting primarily professionals. it’s not golden parachute money but it’s definitely targeted at what capitalist economies call “skilled” labor
the most persecuted demographic, well compensated professionals
the reverse Dullesification of the capital class and the MIC, these fools don’t make the kool aid but they do drink it by the gallon
retvrn to 300000 year old dragons in form with eyes like frisbees
in rehab my roommate defaulted to FBI or to country music television and FBI was marginally preferable but it is dumb as shit and completely forgettable, like I couldn’t even begin to cobble together any of the plots, characters, or setting from memory if i had a gun to my head forgettable
this is meant to be an in for adult care bans as well
Sec. 3. Ending Reliance on Junk Science. (a) The blatant harm done to children by chemical and surgical mutilation cloaks itself in medical necessity, spurred by guidance from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which lacks scientific integrity. In light of the scientific concerns with the WPATH guidance:
(i) agencies shall rescind or amend all policies that rely on WPATH guidance, including WPATH’s “Standards of Care Version 8”; and
(ii) within 90 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) shall publish a review of the existing literature on best practices for promoting the health of children who assert gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion.
(b) The Secretary of HHS, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, shall use all available methods to increase the quality of data to guide practices for improving the health of minors with gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion, or who otherwise seek chemical or surgical mutilation.
(b) The Secretary of HHS shall promptly withdraw HHS’s March 2, 2022, guidance document titled “HHS Notice and Guidance on Gender Affirming Care, Civil Rights and Patient Privacy” and, in consultation with the Attorney General, issue new guidance protecting whistleblowers who take action related to ensuring compliance with this order.