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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024


  • Was reading from this cute paper RAND just wrote about the possibility of US national renewal to my buddy on the phone last night it’s a real nice chaser to explaining the key reasons the USSR was crushed when it still had the potential to “muddy along” for years, which still held the possibility of a political and economic renewal. Like a lot of spooky writing it’s a smooth mix of valuable or pertinent information, blatant lies, and misrepresentation that borders on self parody and projection.

    It does not in fact reckon with the reason the USSR and the British empire both fell apart, the damn United States lol

    Folks I don’t think we’re getting real industrial policy. We’re getting more of the fourth reich. Easy bet I know

  • I will add that this experience of having people accuse you of being reactionary for no reason and then getting no response is probably a big driver for “power posters” not wanting to come here but I’d like to add belatedly that it’s simply how few posts you actually see on here. It’s just like, infosec, lemmygrad which is the same, lemmy, not rly much to see

    And then you run the risk of people getting extremely confrontational out of nowhere and deciding you’re a fascist because they only see Lemmy posts and their context has become reddit… idk what is an appeal of posting here?

    can you name any reason why power posters SHOULD eschew the benefits of better software and wider community?

  • LGBTQ+ issues

    ah yes like the dozens of times you jumped at mistranslations of things like PE programs or shutting down creepy idol businesses that exploited their employees and tried to act like a country that put gay hookup apps on the map with blued was cracking down on homosexuality or literally again because of a translation thought they were banning being a femboy

    yeah why is nobody taking your concerns seriously when you again post a guardian or scmp article which uses manipulative language to bait you

    you can only imply there is a subtle backlash against lgbt rights in china because the reality is if you compared hate crime statistics you would realize they don’t need western gay rights organizations to stamp out the problem and you’re blowing hot air

  • if there was any consistency to zizek and other “psychoanalysts” they would come up with a convoluted explanation for the psychological condition that causes leftists (hopefully meaning people interested in decolonization and antiimperialism) to delude themselves into thinking zizek and the onion are on their side, but not the leaders of the few countries in the world supporting the palestinian struggle for liberation

    perhaps you don’t believe there is any revolutionary potential in iran and it’s better off a crumpled up state like libya, where pure leftism can finally emerge from the ashes. i like seeing people slosh around from third worldism to anarchism and other stuff searching for an explanation of why they found a based way to agree with neocons so i’d love to hear it

  • How’s the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas going, champ? Oh, half the Ukrainian army left to fight for the RuZZian terrorists?! Yikes, better call Lindsay Graham, Amy Klobuchar, John McCain, and Victoria Nuland, the real architects of the plan. I’m sure the West’s limitless arsenal and money will be able to support Ukraine against those dirty bydlo vatniks, heh heh. After all, haven’t you seen all those videos on reddit of their crazy shit falling apart? This is gonna be a piece of cake.

  • we’ve already been fed the “secret service agent’s gun just went off lol and they blamed a guy because lolz”-style explanation in “sanctions killed him the heli parts sucked lolz”

    i totally understand that maybe limiting production of military helicopters but it seems kind of far fetched it would result in poor maintenance on the heli carrying state leaders 🤔

  • Yeah, if anyone wants to do an effortpost explaining why I’m wrong to be uneasy about the death of a major leader of one of the few countries materially supporting the anti-imperialist struggle and a key partner for china and russia in the middle east, a country which has tenuous political gains being made with saudi arabia that further minimize the possibility of normalization with israel, i’m open to it. haven’t seen anything like that in that thread

    personally my default reaction ranges from yikes to check the helicopter dept for CIA

    probably best reddit debunker-tier take is sanctions killed him via shitty helicopter parts. there are concrete steps that iran can take there to prevent this.

    i’m guessing this helicopter flight was the only practical way to get to some mountain location and not just a joyride. they even have uber for helicopters here and in LA which is so stupid