Spot on. Focusing on the software is the most tech-centered approach one can do, unfortunately tech people suck at make something excellent for non-tech people.
People don’t like it but we need to put more focus on the fediverse as a network, say the AP word exactly once as to not confuse, but always operate in that state of mind.
And tech people must build a web extension to do fediverse stuff while being somewhere on the web ! That’s what a User Agent is for, doing stuff for me
Browsers are not supposed to be only “html document viewers”. In spec parlance, they are supposed to be agents for doing whatever the user wants to do: that’s why they also offer facilities for passwords, for example.
The fediverse is a bunch of web servers each with the accounts on it. When I am subscribed on instance A and go on an account on instance B, today the browser acts as a document viewer: I can see what the profile wants to show me, hopefully it has a button that properly redirects me but then I leave the context of the message I was looking at.
What I want instead is for the browser itself to offer me fediverse actions: like, comment, reply, directly from where the content I’m interacting with is. I don’t expect browsers to do that soon so the next best thing is web extensions