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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • We don’t want the old-school projects where software was ready but not delivered until a bible of doco was typeset, printed and bound.

    I miss those days. That bible of documentation was usually the means to have the others, i.e. the customer or other teams using your software, be able to do their work in that software. And I feel that by delivering software without extensive documentation you are extending your agile way of working to the customer. When does agile stop and actually deliver every component meant to be delivered?

  • This comments speaks to me. From day one you could see the problems with agile and my gods, if you dared to push back you were ‘not cooperating with the team’ and other BS like that.

    I have yet to see an agile/scrum way of working that does not devolve in waterfall within 5 nano seconds. Funniest was the IT team that needed to support about 10 other teams (developers). Good luck in getting agile with that while diving into a tunnel where 10 teams start pulling your resources on the fly. The IT team was on the end (they tried like 5 times to enforce agile on us) absolved from using agile as the complete project would come to a stand still in a day if we followed the agile principle.

  • I don’t. They got sent and went to another sovereign country and started a war. These same soldiers you have empathy for will gladly shoot Ukraine soldiers and civilians.

    How many of these ‘non-psychopath’ soldiers have killed innocent people in Ukraine?
    They all went and they all are complicit to the murder, torture and rape of Ukraine. They can go suck on a grenade while the pin is out. No sympathy for these fascists.

  • The app is fine but I’m also using webui so I would love the feature to be at the ‘root’ of Lemmy instead only in 1 app.
    I read elsewhere that v0.19 will not bring complete instance blocking. Communities will be blocked but not the users, and it is the users and everything about an instance I want to block. I want to be able to black hole an entire instance, as if it and its users do not exist at all. I’m getting conflicting messages on the ability of v0.19 by several people and I am lost on what it will actually bring. I guess we will have to wait and see once v0.19 is out and we start using it.

  • If this is true then I indeed misunderstood v0.19

    All I want is to be able to block an instance completely as a user. How hard can this be? I really had my hopes up for v0.19. This needs to be built into Lemmy asap because the idiocy of some instances is getting on my nerves hardcore. I mean, why not go back to reddit if I have to take shit anyway? At least I know the communities are larger over there and if I need to suffer bullshit then by all means, I’ll suffer over there. This is not good for Lemmy tbh…

  • I see it as ‘payback’ for shitting on Max and RB performances this year. Remember the shittalking Mercedes/Toto/Lewis did at Monza? Yeah, those morons had it coming and I love it. This revelation will make some people uncomfortable at Mercedes. Some say it is normal practice (reaching out to other teams) and there is nothing special going on, and I would agree with that normally, if it weren’t for the fact that Lewis claimed a while ago he did no such thing and focused 100% on Mercedes and getting the contract ironed out. Now Horner saw an opportunity to shit on the Mercedes team with this new information. Lewis did contact other teams (Ferrari for example, perhaps others as well?).
    What will this accomplish you may ask? Nothing, absolutely nothing…other then making the next few meetings at Mercedes a bit uncomfortable :-)

    And neither am I impressed by Lewis’s driving for 2 years now. He will not become WC of course, he needs a better car for that, no shame or weird things here. But, if you look at Max when Mercedes dominated he was able to make races count, do incredible drives and the occasional win. No WC contender of course, just like Mercedes isn’t atm, but he did win his race once or twice. 2 years without anything noticable, no exiting or special drive, no wins, anonymous. Even failed to get to Q3 on occasion. Yeah, color me unimpressed by Lewis and his driving.

    And do not get me started on the revelation which we are witnessing on how bad Toto actually is as a Team Principal. Shockingly bad actually. His behavior, his lack of success and lack of direction on the team. He had years of success due to an insanely good engine and a driver who could utilize that situation. I applaud that actually, it is such a beast of an engine in those success years. Now that this advantage is gone, Toto is lost. Everything fails, for years, under his leadership. Again, color me unimpressed…

  • You really do not give 1 shit about children do you? You keep telling people that this is what you get if you start a war. Did the children start that war? No. Then why keep bombing them?

    Even if Hitler himself hides under a hospital or school, you do not bomb that place. It really is that simple. The fact that you are a-ok with bombing children speaks volumes about your character.

    Surprise me with insights on why you think it is ok to bomb children and please do not involve hamas, terrorists or some form of anti-antisemitism. Keep focused on bombs on the heads of 5 year old, babies and justify that without involving adults that these children have zero control over.