if you have the money and resources, it is not a bad idea
if you have the money and resources, it is not a bad idea
Because fascism needs to pretend to be revolutionary. Leftism doesn’t
Dems had many opportunities to oppose an abortion ban. Before RvW was overturned and after.
I agree that there is not a cold war level aggressive attitude from US, like a bay of pigs invasion 2.0 or something. But US is definitely trying to consolidate its position around Cuba to not give it any breathing room. Guantanamo bay exists for that reason too.
As US-Cuba relations cool down
I’m not so sure they are/will cool down though. PR is also important to keep Haiti in check. It is a vital point of US power projection in the Caribbean
And like, people could just hang a watermelon flag. It’s the most nonsensical law ever for what it’s trying to do
Are lgbt flags also banned? Or does it apply only to national flags.
I agree with other commenters that this is not idealist in the Marxist sense. Additionally, there are already educational systems like that, at least in Europe that I am familiar with. Kids can choose subjects to specialise in pretty early on.
40k Orks, fervent followers of Ignus Nilsen’s theory of infra-materialism
it is true (sample size: me and my gfs)
gender accelerationist manifesto is frequently recommended. as well as gender outlaw
for sure. basically everyone I know has a “”“”“real”“”“” job on the side to pay for rent, but they still use the state funds to pay for their projects.
it is still a thing lol, majority of the arts are still funded that way. it seems like a very US-online thing to not engage with state funding for artistic projects.
Prashad is a super cool speaker, really recommend seeing him live
The mothership wardens guide actually has a ton of good advice on the topic :)
It really really depends on the game and o the players. There’s no right answer. I personally have “arcs” that are big level plot elements that players can influence (the king dies, but the players can influence the heir for instance). Future arcs adapt (or I write new ones) as the game progresses
At least you balance Russia doomerism with China doomerism
only in california, since there is already an established socialist anti-war party there (PFP)
you probably mistyped 1/110th. 1/11 is almost 10% or 6 000 000 votes.