Yeah, I think I’d also like the greater customization of some of the “purer” distros, but I’m in no rush. Slow progress is progress.
Haven’t tried wine yet, but the world-buildy type games I’ve tried on linux get about 1/4 the frame-rate for similar graphical settings. The internet doesn’t seem to expect that kind of drop, so I think it’s largely resolvable, just need to get the time and mental energy to tackle it.
No fear of the command line, maybe I’ll do irreparable damage, but I’m not super concerned about it. As far as I can tell you just type sudo apt install x, then google “linux command line task description” when that fails. Maybe I’ll work out the logic behind hyphens and underscores and whether a program is available through apt install of if I need snap, but it still feels easier than windows. I really hate looking for tiles/ figuring out which hyperlink to click, typing commands is a dream come true.
Love the man command, but it’s a challenge for me to get and retain pertinent information when there’s so much to know.
Thanks for the kindness and advice, much appreciated.
Fore and aft rigged ships sail into the wind pretty well, but square rigged ships were better outfitted for running with the trades. This design would probably do something similar, but yeah, next they’ll invent masts and yardarms and booms, and then we’ll be back to squabbling over trade routes in the Caribbean.