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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月7日


  • A decent bike needn’t be expensive. For as little as 300€, you can have a new bike that’ll do just fine for recreational use and simple commutes. Used bikes can usually be had really cheap, too, but for that you’d best know how to check the components and what to look for.

    Race bikes, mountain bikes and pedelecs are a different thing, but those are either specialty sports equipment or luxury items.

    Either way, (normal) bikes are easy and cheap to maintain, if used correctly.

  • Du streitest mit einem selbstgebauten Strohmann: Vor dir hat niemand angenommen, dass die Regierung durch den Aufruf zu Protesten jede andere Handlung gegen Rechtsextremismus ausschließt.

    Der Rechtsstaat muss jetzt zeigen, dass er gegen Rechtsextremismus robust ist. Unter anderem die laufende Absicherung der Justiz gegen Übernahmen durch rechtsextreme Landesregierungen zeigt, dass da was läuft. Gerade währenddessen ist es aber ungemein wichtig, auch die Mehrheitsgesellschaft auf den Kampf gegen Nazis einzuschwören.

    Und dazu muss dir träge Masse eben aktiviert sein. Die Teilnahme an Demos ist eine gute Aktivierung. Ich wage zu behaupten, dass Leute, die zur Teilnahme an Demos bewegt wurden, eher auch zu Wahlen gehen werden. Und wir brauchen in naher Zukunft wirklich jeden bisherigen Nichtwähler gegen Extremisten.

  • Unpopuläre Meinung:

    Religionslehre gehört in einem demokratischen Staat mit Religionsfreiheit zu den wichtigen Aufgaben der allgemeinen Schulbildung, damit eben nicht allein die organisierten Religionsgemeinschaften die alleinige Deutungshoheit im Leben religiöser Mitbürger haben. Dazu braucht es säkulare, staatlich und eben nicht von den Religionsgemeinschaften selbst ausgebildete Religionslehrer und ein fachwissenschaftlich erarbeitetes Curriculum, das alle großen (sprich: im Staatsvolk hinreichend häufig abgebildeten) Religionen nebeneinander gleich behandelt. Überkommen hingegen ist ein konfessionsgebundener Reli-Unterricht, wie er bisher bestand.

  • Your thoughts are valid and I agree – in principle.

    The proportionate punishment does, however, depend on the severity of the violation. In an academic context, there are few things as severe as blatant plagiarism. Being caught in not just cheating but brazenly copy-pasting other people’s work can imho be appropriately punished with expulsion, be it in the US or elsewhere.

  • Loudly and visibly changing the rules doesn’t “create offenders”. Offenders aren’t victims of changed rules.

    It has been shown time and again that lowering speed limits in cities reduces traffic accidents and emissions at close to no costs to the flow of traffic.

    My own city (in Germany, so it really was a heavily-criticized decision) lowered the speed limit on one of the major arterial roads to 30 kph. It is one I have to use regularly, and oh boy, let me tell you: I was soooo opposed to the change. Yet, it really only changed how fast you arrive at the next red light. There is literally no discernable change in how long it takes to pass that street, especially during rush hour. Traffic just got a little more fluid.

    It is, however, the street with the most speeding tickets in town. I regularly see one or two mobile speed cameras along the way. And I’ve never been fined. You got to wonder…

  • I use a Moonman/Majohn A2 with De Atrementis Document Black at work daily, so you may want to take my advice with a grain of salt. That being said, I love (!) push-retractable fountain pens for any setting where you write with them at least twice a week so the ink doesn’t dry out. I believe there is close to no buyer’s remorse among those who splurged on a Pilot Vanishing Point pen, and I’ll extend that recommendation to Moonman’s really excellent knock-offs.

    As for ever-ready, on-the-go ballpoint pens, a metal body Parker Jotter filled with a 1mm Schmidt easyFLOW 9000 is my conference bag staple for quick, short notes.

    Among friends and family who aren’t into fountain pens, I’ve heard lots of praise for the Caran d’Ache 849 ballpoint pen, too.

  • The original meme template has the guy leaving without looking back due to whatever he sees on the woman’s cupboard, implying that there are private ideologies/hobbies/affiliations so repulsive that you’d back out of a one night stand at the last moment.

    In this variation of the meme, what he spots on the cupboard seems to be so attractive to him that they have sex until he is exsanguinated, or “pumped empty”.

  • First shave: A Braun oscillating electric razor I kept using for a few years while in highschool. I wished for a closer shave soon, but th notice for the heavily-marketed Gillette cartridges really put me off. I used those with canned gel during the first years of college, but as poor college students do, I over-extended the cartridges life by far and got serious razor burn regularly.

    Cue DE razors: I somehow stumped upon w_e on Reddit and got myself a Wilkinson Sword Classic, as those are readily available in drugstores in my area. Being the overly-mild razor it is (and the enclosed WS blades in the black box being generally unkind to my skin) it led me to putting far too much pressure on the razor from the start. My shaves sucked, but at least they were inexpensive. Later, I switched to a cheap drugstore brand boar brush and a Palmolive stick. From there, RAD, BAD, and SAD set in.

    Now, most of my shaving paraphernalia rest in an easily-accessible box in the attic, and the bathroom cupboard houses only two sets:

    1. Mühle R41, Semogue SOC Taj Mahal, Tabac soap and EdT, and

    2. Edwin Jagger 3one6, Razorock 400 butterscotch, The Goodfellas Orange Empire soap and Barrister & Mann Seville aftershave.

    And a 400ml Pump-Spray bottle of Floid The Genuine (new formula) on the counter for everyday use.