zed_proclaimer [he/him]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2023


  • I think this is because the “bad guy” in media shifted from the Ruskies, who were competent and dangerous and white-adjacent to Muslim terrorists.

    People are more ok with torturing brown and powerless people who won’t ever torture you back.

    If I’m being cynical, the entire “torture is bad actually” strain in western social liberal thought just stemmed from a fear of reciprocity, that the soviet spies could also torture people like me. Once the threat of reciprocity was gone and we were free to dominate the globe, all moral conundrums melted away

  • Having a single leader or party for a long time is actually an expected symptom of an actually democratic system. The people who protect the interests of the majority, the workers, stay in power indefinitely, why would they not? This is why we see Cuba keeping Fidel around until he died. Not because of cult of personality, but due to stable leadership and going in the correct direction. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

    The unstable multiparty system and flip-flopping and rotating door of politicians you see in western bourgeois dictatorships is due to competing elite interests. There’s two or more factions of bourgeois interests battling it out behind the veneer of ideology and legalism. Various ones fall in and out of favor, and chaotic markets shift, and crisis due to contradiction and instability occurs.