A bunch of calendars only work when connected to the internet. Others don’t sync across multiple types of devices (linux, android, apple, etc).

A lastpass of calendars, but open source.

  • @nachtigall@feddit.de
    13 years ago

    You can sync calendars that support CalDav pretty easy to most devices. I am using a Nextcloud instance as server^1 for the calendar and synchronize it to my android phone via DAVx5. GNOME desktop/calendar also has support for CalDav and Lightning (Thunderbird’s inbuilt calendar tool) too. For terminal there is khal + vdirsyncer.

    ^1 some mail provider such as posteo.de or mailbox.org also provide a CalDav calendar for their plans.

    • @pinknoise@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      CalDAV (+CardDAV) is the easiest solution. Evolution mail works great as a desktop client too. DAVx5 will integrate into your android calendar and contacts seamlessly. If nextcloud is to fat for you there is also DAViCal (webserver+php+postgres) and radicale (python…).

      Sadly there are no clients that encrypt your data :/