Instead of harassing the Green Party with frivolous lawsuits, the Democrats should focus on nonvoters and embrace popular policies.
Instead of harassing the Green Party with frivolous lawsuits, the Democrats should focus on nonvoters and embrace popular policies.
I’m inclined to disagree with at least some of this. Until we replace first-past-the-post, parties have to address spoilers like Stein, or else they’ll lose elections - not to the spoilers, but to the other major party.
Just like Gore lost to Bush in 2000, largely because of spoiler candidates.
Don’t get me wrong: third parties deserve to run, and should have a chance, but they won’t until we fix our election system; and campaigns will continue to have to face and attack parties that might draw votes. RCV may not be perfect, but it would address this issue
Gore lost because of fuckery and courts not 3rd parties.
Sadly nothing has been done to address the court doing the same again, especially with how many of the justices being part of fucking over gore?
If not but for Nader the results wouldn’t have been close enough for the courts to ratfuck.
I don’t think that would have stopped them from still doing it
Also, Nader himself indicates in post-election analysis, quoting exit polls showing that 25% of his voters would have voted for Bush instead, but 38% would have voted for Gore (the rest would have voted for some else, or nobody). Nader got 10,576 votes in Florida; Gore lost Florida by 537 votes. Without Nader, Gore would have won Florida by 837 votes: 64% more votes than he lost by.
Without Nader, Gore would have won the 2000 election.