KUnifiedPush: KDE’s efficient way of delivering notifications to your apps

KUnifiedPush, KDE’s client library for the UnifiedPush protocol, has reached version 1.0.0. KUnifiedPush provides a way to deliver notifications instantly to multiple apps on your devices even if the apps are not running.

Ideal for social media, weather and instant messaging apps, it will also contribute to improving the battery life on your mobile devices.



  • It turns out, in this case it isn’t. This is about a KDE library (service?) that uses Unified Push, which is a standard implemented by servers like ntfy, Nextpush, and Gotify. If you use any f-droid apps, you’re probably already using Unified Push. Home Assistant uses it for mobile notifications, too.

    It is, probably, the third biggest notification protocol after Google’s and Apple’s, only it doesn’t route through their servers or provide them with more of your data to harvest and sell.

    Unified Push is a good thing. It looks like KDE just makes it accessible to KDE application developers through the KDE libraries.