I know one so far, Legend of Arthur and the Roundtable, but I want to learn about more and listen to more for inspiration and the story telling potential it holds.
Any suggestions would be great
I know one so far, Legend of Arthur and the Roundtable, but I want to learn about more and listen to more for inspiration and the story telling potential it holds.
Any suggestions would be great
Or Operation Mindcrime by Queensrÿche, or King Diamomd’s Them, in which all songs are segments in one long story. Although, with how different the individual songs are in each of these, they may not count. There should be a melodic theme running through the album, right? Like Beethoven’s symphonies, where seemingly dissimilar pieces are often brought together at the end and you realize they all fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.
Now you’re just describing a Soundgarden album ;-)