Weird, everybody in the comments assuming that she’s grossed out by men using the same towel on our faces we used on our dirty balls. But she asked about a separate ball towel, which seems to imply that it’s the balls that require special treatment, but not ass, feet, or pits. Maybe she’s grossed out by men using the same towel on our balls that we used on our dirty faces?
Weird, everybody in the comments assuming that she’s grossed out by men using the same towel on our faces we used on our dirty balls. But she asked about a separate ball towel, which seems to imply that it’s the balls that require special treatment, but not ass, feet, or pits. Maybe she’s grossed out by men using the same towel on our balls that we used on our dirty faces?
Why are you using towel on dirty anything? Do you towel before you wash?
Feet have balls as well, technically