Recommendations for a color, full duplex, laser printer?
Another printer company (Brother) has fallen to the allure of “remote disable” if they object to you using your own device in a way they don’t like: trying to self-service, use third party inks, whatever. It’s at their discretion. Given printers are the sorts of devices to which you tend to want to have network access, preventing this is a lot of work.
I’ve been looking at color duplex laser printers, and Brother has been at the top of the list, until they recently announcement that they’d disable printers using third party inks.
BIFL to me implies that the company isn’t going to actively sabotage self-service, or restrict your usage of the thing, so I think this is an appropriate question for this c/.
Ok, thank you. I’ve had a monochrome Brother laser before, years and years ago, which I destroyed by moving it poorly - toner everywhere. But I loved that printer, and would happily get another if they stay ethical.
My last couple have been used, off Craigslist. So slightly older models. That also means they are less likely to have the phone-home nonsense. And I refuse to ever own an inkjet again.
Currently running a 2013 HP consumer B/W, and a 2018 Canon Color laser. Neither care about internet.