My parents were in an arranged marriage in China, they argue like every week. They are toxic af.

I wonder if people who freely choose their partners have less toxic families… 🤔

  • 𝕽𝖚𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍
    16 hours ago

    My mom chose all four of her husbands, leaving each one for the next - except for the last, who she was with until he died of Alzheimer’s.

    After my mom, my dad married a woman he’s been with since. They’re perfect for each other.

    According to my mom, her last husband was “the one.” She was with him longer than the other three, combined, and by all accounts they were good happy together. I didn’t know him that well; they married long after I’d left home and was moving around the world living my own life.