BRUSSELS — United States arms-makers are being frozen out of the European Union’s massive new defense spending plan, which aims to splash the cash for EU and allied countries, according to defense spending plans released Wednesday.
Also left out — for now — is the United Kingdom.
This is false, or at least myopic. They wanted to force the Germans into the Benelux, it was part of the plan, because no one foresaw the German breakthrough, not even the Germans.
You can say they would have been better off with an extended line, and that’s true, but you could also say they should have had better tanks, more motorized infantry, or a larger air force instead of planning for WW1: 2 again and that would also be true.
You can also say the Dutch shouldn’t have been so easy to conquer, with fortifications or their own.
Hey, don’t talk like that about us, we cleared some bushes at the border so we could see them coming and cycle away in time.