We all know about how Reddit closed-sourced back in 2017 and will be killing off third-party apps this July, what will Lemmy.ml do to avoid facing the same fate? Reddit started off like this (open, aiming for freedom) and it all went downhill from there.

  • Dessalines
    131 year ago

    I wouldn’t worry too much about that. A lot of the beginning of Lemmy was making sure we fostered and attracted a community that held anti-racist principles.

    All the biggest lemmy servers hold those principles, and pretty quickly block any “voat-like” instances that pop up, as has happened in the past few years. Eventually those instances stagnate and die off.

    A similar thing happened with mastodon iirc, truth.social was trump’s mastodon startup, and most of the fediverse blocked it very quickly.

    • Liz
      81 year ago

      Oh my god, WHAT. Truth Social is just a Mastodon instance? It makes sense that his people wouldn’t bother doing any of their own coding, but it’s still kinda wild.

      • @Kaldo@beehaw.org
        61 year ago

        I mean isnt that kinda the goal of mastodon? Everyone is free to make their own community and everyone else is free to zone them out if they dont like it. If anything I’d say it was a good proof of concept.

        • Liz
          11 year ago

          Great point, but it’s still a hilarious marriage.

    • @unix_joe@lemmy.ml
      21 year ago

      Yeah, I saw some Voat-like posts here yesterday that were quickly removed.

      It always starts with the fringe articles, then devolves into conspiracy theory. Good to see the moderation here is strong.