The DM was a DM asking us to change our no tankies policy and remove the fuck tankies banner as it was apparently upsetting hexbear users. Apparently tankies view the word tankie as a form of slur. The admin wants us to ally as a form of “left solidarity”
I think all instances should block the tankies treat them the same as you would alt right because really there no different they both support facist ideologies
Honestly I agree. Fuck fascists.
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Considering the background of hexbear members its more or you now a member of the putin z party
This is a joke, right? Just to be clear?
Fuck putin a z baby killers
What’s an “a z baby killer”? Are they from Arizona or something?
Look in the mirror dork
Last time I looked in a mirror, the reflection handed me a pineapple and said, ‘Better luck next Tuesday.’
American meddling in Eastern Europe is the only reason Putin ever came to power in the first place, but you’re not ready for that conversation.
Thank you America is the uber vbad guy controlling everything with our mind control gun poor putin was lead astray and didn’t know he was being lead into becoming a dictator I see it now where could I have gone wrong all hail putin all hail fake communism
Why do you say “our”… are you the US government? Why do you identify so strongly with the actions of the government and the bourgeoisie which the people of the United States never consented to?
Also, this isn’t what I’m saying at all. I’m saying that Putin was the chosen successor of Yeltsin, and Yeltsin was the guy who was responsible for gutting, privatizing, deregulating, and destroying the Russian economy on behalf of American business interests. American business interests poured billions into his campaign so that he could drown out all other candidates in the first multiparty election after the collapse of the USSR. When Putin came to power, American conservatives were very pleased, because they thought he would continue down the same path as Yeltsin (i.e privatizing what remained of the Russian state and selling it off to foreign capitalists). Instead, he became more of a Bonapartist figure, trying to maintain the status quo set by Yeltsin, but not privatizing further, and furthermore he tried to compete with America over the European energy market. This made American capitalists very angry. Russia was supposed to be reduced to a balkanized shell of its former self, totally open to looting by the ruling classes of the imperial core. Instead they have this nation they have to compete with now. The whole reason American capitalists are against Putin today has less to do with his actions against Ukraine and more to do with the fact that he competed with American business interests by selling gas to the germans. The Ukrainians meanwhile, in a similar fashion as Russia, was also privatized and hollowed out by US-backed compradors after the collapse of the USSR. So reactionary militias, “territorial defense units” armed and trained by the NED (a CIA front) started a civil war in Ukraine in 2014 against separatists, which led to the war today. The separatist movements came from territories like Donetsk and Luhansk which were part of Russia until Lenin gave those territories to the Ukrainian SSR. People in those regions speak Russian and identify ethnically as Russian. The Ukrainian government was discriminating against them, not allowing them to speak their language in their schools, ethnically cleansing them with US-backed “territorial defense units” from Lviv, the part of Ukraine which is proud of its historical role in WW2 as nazi collaborators. This entire war is a byproduct of how the US took advantage of the post-soviet chaos by pouring money, weapons, etc. into reactionary fascist and conservative groups in post-soviet nations. I mean for fuck’s sake the leader of the Nazi collaborator government in Lviv, Yaroslav Stetsko was warmly welcomed by the white house back in the 80s. NATO’s collaboration with fascists goes back decades. It goes back to the very founding of NATO.
I recall a headline from the War on Terror era “CIA backed terrorists fight pentagon backed terrorists in Syria.” If you want an understanding of the horrors of US foreign policy in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, that’s it. The US (by which I mean the ruling class in the US) divides other countries on the basis of existing ethnic and religious and economic tensions, arms reactionaries, and then takes advantage of the chaos for their own benefit.
you’re being smarmy and childish, that is not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying putin is a byproduct of US meddling in eastern europe, not that putin is a victim of anything. Could you do me a favor and try to be even more smarmy and disingenuous in your next lazy response? I’m sure you’ll come up with something.
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Stalin literally killed Jews and gay people The only reason why they allied with us was because they viewed Germany as a bigger threat
Stalin killed jews as well stop acting like Stalin is some champion of the people he’s just as much a monster as Hitler
this is a literal nazi talking point. like literal nazi kind of nazi, not like neo-nazi, as in the actual members of the actual nazi party made up this shit that you are now repeating.
In post WW2 Poland (as late as 1950 I think) there were around 200 work camps, organized by the new ‘Communist’ government, and some organized by the red army or/and NKVD. At least around 75 thousand people have died in them, most of them Germans, but a non marginal amount of them were Ukrainians, Poles and Lemkos. Not the same scale as the holocaust, no death camps, but it did happen.
And that’s the type of “communism” that tankies like. Brutal and authoritarian. Unfortunately, a lot of countries seem to go that way.
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the funny thing is that “tankies” is a term from 1950s Communist Party of Great Britain members arguing over whether or not it was correct for Khruschev to invade Hungary… because the Hungarians were having a “revolution” in which the CIA was funneling money to nazis.
Idiots then and Idiots today you are right tankies are Idiots
Yeah u rite, the smart thing to do would have been to just let them continue going around marking the doors of Jewish people for extermination, I’m sure they would have all worked it out amongst themselves.
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