Which option can be the best to browse in Android (between these options)

  • Bromite ; Firefox
  • Stix
  • Iceraven
  • Icecast
  • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
    -33 years ago

    If I were you, I would not be citing madaidan as a good source of information. He has always engaged in spreading FUD and promotes Windows over Linux, as example. And his Chrome shilling is highly related to his hatred for Firefox’s anti racism political stance, and how deep rooted he is into the toxic filthy GrapheneOS community. Have had a lot of one to one experience with him, his sockpuppets and his friends.

    • @Lunacy@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      in spreading FUD and promotes Windows over Linux.

      Madaidan doesn’t spread any FUD and doesn’t promote windows over linux. He wrote a purely objective technical analysis about Linux security; many security experts share this view, such as:

      He also wrote:

      Note that these analyses are purely objective and do not account for threat models or other user-dependent factors.

      Users should choose a software according to their own user case and threat model. I personally use Fedora 34 with KDE plasma as desktop environment, I prefer Linux over Windows because of the foss ideology. However, the problems pointed out by madaidan and other security researchers still remain. You said that madaidan spread fud, but you didn’t show any evidence. Madaidan himself uses Linux (I think qubesOS + Whonix because he use Tor for everything)

      And his Chrome shilling is highly related to his hatred for Firefox’s anti racism political stance

      First of all, madaidan uses Firefox, he said that many times on Spite. Second of all, this is a very serious accusation, you should show proofs.

      Have had a lot of one to one experience with him, his sockpuppets and his friends.

      That doesn’t mean they spread FUD about software. Drama it’s really a waste of time.

      Edit: typo and things that are not revelant to the discussion.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
        -33 years ago

        I strongly disagree. Madaidan regularly engages in spreading FUD, most popularly by conflating security with privacy and vice-versa, and I have been a participant in their NoGoolag and SpiteChat groups, both of which he banned me from because he, anuprita (clannad) and a bunch of other fellows are FUD spreaders, opportunists and vile racists.

        Let me share with you one of the instances, among hundreds of others where he insults me, and would go on to ban people if they reply (of course which I never did, I always stayed humble).

        picture, August 8, 2020

        By your logic, if I share same views as Snowden, does that make me a Snowden rivaling security and OPSEC expert? Because you did the sane with lumping Daniel Micay, various grsecurity entities and madaidan together, making it seem like some kind of little coalition or a conflation of expertise levels.

        Madaidan was shat on very hard over his Linux hardening guide, because he shows zero consideration of threat modelling, or has knowledge on the same when addressing other users or arguments on various communication platforms on most topics in the privacy and security domains.

        It is common knowledge that key GrapheneOS community users engage in using sockpuppets via their strength of virtual compartmentalisation (Qubes, VMs, Tor and so on).

        I do not think you have engaged with him or his friends for more than a year, like I have. You can look around the history of his engagement on reddit, unless he sanitised his comments prior to 3-4 months old. There is u/rediii123, u/cn3m and u/Additional-Ad-6738 as well.

        A load of more FUD disguised as “criticism”, they directed at me when I released my smartphone 3.0 guide on r/degoogle:

        picture 1

        picture 2 replies

    • xenith
      13 years ago

      I use GrapheneOS as my daily driver and love it. I’ve also been active in the GrapheneOS Matrix community and have never seen anything that I would consider questionable. I’ve never received money, but I guess my payment for this comment is a FOSS, deGoogled, hardened OS.