Based on concerns from both the admin team and most users here, the admin team decided to add to our blocklist. There is just too much reactionary content that breaks almost all the rules we have here.

It’s natural for open instances like this one to develop blocklists organically, and so far we’ve only felt it necessary to block 2 instances. If there’s any concerns about other instances that we should keep an eye on, let us know.

    -82 years ago

    On the Ronald McDonald thing… who cares? Why are you that hypersensitive? Welcome to free speech. On the “Illegals” thing, that was referring to people from other instances coming on and down voting the crap out of things which was made pretty clear… so?

    On the Dr Oz thing, I disagree. Somebody isn’t a RINO because they’re on the right and say they have compassion for trans athletes, but MANY now regardless of what side of the fence you’re on have a cult like belief that you either subscribe to 100% of an (assumed) political ideology or you’re canceled. But again, moron or not, free speech.

    I have compassion for trans athletes, and trans people in general, I can’t even imagine what it must feel like to think you’re in the wrong gendered body for what your brain is telling you that you are, but I’m also not going to pretend that especially in the case of a professional athlete that a biological man doesn’t have a huge unfair advantage over a biological female. Changing your name and clothing, and even taking a bunch of hormones doesn’t remove that advantage. That simply can’t be ignored. This is only a thing because it’s been politically charged. If an athlete tests postive for PEDs they’re kicked out on their ass and labeled a cheater. But when they biologically have more muscle mass, more bone mass and all around more power it’s ignored you’re cancelled and labeled a “bigot”. Sorry, that’s bullshit. That’s simply ignoring the biological differences between men and women, if there wasn’t a diffeerence as some people living in a dream world actually claim, then why do trans people have to load up or hormones, hormone blockers, be prescribe other anabolics etc?

    I’m for everybody living their life the way they want, but that doesn’t include disconnecting from reality to do it.

    • plu
      112 years ago

      Welcome to free speech, where private entities can tell you to fuck off and get your own instance, but the government can’t. Fortunately, is not the government, so we can tell cunts like you to fork off. Literally.

        02 years ago

        Thank you for proving my point, we have a difference of opinion so I’m a “cunt”. Thanks for showing your level of intolerance.

        Hopefully you’re not also promoting “inclusion” other places. Because that’s clearly not something you believe in.

    • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
      22 years ago

      Fully agree. Unfortunately many people now consider it a personal attack when someone disagrees with their opinion.

      • plu
        52 years ago

        If that opinion is to promote a genocide, of course it’s a personal attack.

      -12 years ago

      You are being downvoated for, in my view, a very reasonable opinion. People are being social engineered into this woke or political correctness mentality badly. This shits scary. Remember seeing an interview done to a Chinese deflector warning about this and its similarities to Mao Zedong’s revolution in China.

      -12 years ago

      You are being downvoated for, in my view, a very reasonable opinion. People are being social engineered into this woke or political correctness mentality badly. This shits scary. Remember seeing an interview done to a Chinese deflector warning about this and its similarities to Mao Zedong’s revolution in China.