Currently there are five PRO nascar posts:

  • I invite everyone to turn on the NASCAR TV broadcast
  • NASCAR crew members help fix a car’s bumper after it was involved in a fender bender across from the garage area on Lake Shore Drive
  • Unpopular Opinion, but i think the NASCAR races will be awesome
  • OK Chicago,this Nascar thing is fun, Now do Formula 1
  • This checks out…(Randy Sax guerilla marketing link)

and three ANTI nascar:

  • Meanwhile, we’re doing 15mph on 90/94
  • Worker dies while setting up Chicago NASCAR race
  • Chicago’s Nascar Weekend Offers Headaches, Little Economic Gain

Two of the pro-nascar posts are obvious guerilla marketing (the “LSD pit crew repair” post and whatever that Randy Sax thing is). One of the Anti-articles is just news about an unfortunate event.

I think Nascar has hired social media PR/sock puppet groups to astroturf Chicago reddit. I wonder if it’s the same people Paul Vallas hired…

  • anachronistOP
    2 years ago

    The City of Chicago should not be putting one square penny of my taxpayer money towards promoting this private event that is usurping the city’s main public park on the 4th of July, disrupting a metropolis of 10 million people including 22 separate CTA bus lines, which was negotiated under the cover of darkness by a mayor who was so corrupt, arrogant and stupid that she got ejected after a single term.

      2 years ago

      I agree with your sentiment but this is Chicago, my lemon. Corrupt mayors doing corrupt things to benefit themselves and their friends is very on-brand.