I’ve never heard someone say the N word in person until today I think. One minority (aboriginal) telling me how something about blacks but using the N word instead of blacks/African-american.

There are a lot of other smaller instances I’ve seen in my personal life too.

I’ve never seen Indian versus Pakistan racism, but I would at least get why that might happen, since history.

In public policy, the majority (caucasians) are prob the most racist here, but in casual conversation I might hear more minority vs minority racism. I think this partially might be because caucasians have it drilled into them (my city) that they have to not be racist in convo?

I’ve never understood why some minority groups didn’t come out to support black lives matter (here), but it seems to look like bc they don’t care to help out blm bc its not explicitly minority-name-here lives matter


  • @NormieGirl@lemmy.perthchat.orgOP
    2 years ago

    Any suggestions on how to tell them not to say the n word? It’s so egregious i don’t know where to begin. Like no way do they think it’s actually an appropriate word to use.

    I was once speaking to a ESL chinese lady and she used a racist term instead of jewish, but it was clear imo she didnt know that the term was racist.

    • Ratto
      22 years ago

      I guess this would be a good place to start, explain the gravity of the slur they used and how its not just an insult but a slur that dehumanises people. Conversations are always best.