Question is in the title. Where can I find information about gay and trans rights in the Soviet Union? Or if anyone would be able to share what they know. I understand it was decriminalized in 1917, but that’s about it.

I suppose sources about modern China and LGBTQ would be nice as well, post revolution and current.

Very hard to find trustworthy sources.

  • Ratto
    52 years ago

    Yeah Google these days may as well just mask off and admit its another wing of the western propaganda arms at this point.

    Interestingly I’ve actually heard that the emperor regularly had male and female courtesans back in the day. Whether this absolves China of any homophobia is difficult to say as history has shown us around the world that the rich has the privilege to engage in activities outside of the established status quo at least in the west. Whether this applies to China in this period is something I can’t confirm 😔 however it does make me think a lot of the more socially Conservative values came from colonialism and possibly the views of others of the time.