You’re right. But, the Fediverse is ActivityPub, and Threads is using ActivityPub, therefore Threads is part of the Fediverse.
The beauty of the Fediverse is you can defederate from whoever you want. But don’t confuse that with thinking that you can change the definition and rules of what the Fediverse is.
The fediverse even includes instances dedicated to Nazism and hate. As long as you’re on a well moderated instance, you shouldn’t see that part if the network.
You’re right. But, the Fediverse is ActivityPub, and Threads is using ActivityPub, therefore Threads is part of the Fediverse.
The beauty of the Fediverse is you can defederate from whoever you want. But don’t confuse that with thinking that you can change the definition and rules of what the Fediverse is.
The fediverse even includes instances dedicated to Nazism and hate. As long as you’re on a well moderated instance, you shouldn’t see that part if the network.