From toilet plungers for bike lanes to community gardens on vacant lots to locally sourced incremental development, citizens are finding creative ways to make urban space while bypassing traditional bureaucratic systems.
It takes good timing and periodic maintenance with a water bottle. I do it along paths I regularly walk my dog right before a rainy stretch and near bodies of water. This area is a high desert/shortgrass prairie so establishing them can be difficult unless it’s well planned. If you can get dense germination or do it where the water table is high though, they evolved to be hardy in those conditions.
I wish local wildflowers grew that easily for me :(
It takes good timing and periodic maintenance with a water bottle. I do it along paths I regularly walk my dog right before a rainy stretch and near bodies of water. This area is a high desert/shortgrass prairie so establishing them can be difficult unless it’s well planned. If you can get dense germination or do it where the water table is high though, they evolved to be hardy in those conditions.