Written by Kirsten Beyer & Davy Perez
Directed by Eduardo Sanchez
Returning to a planet that dredges up tragic memories, Captain Pike and his landing party find themselves forgetting everything, including their own identities as he confronts a ghost from his past.
I wrote this as I was watching:
@cyberic @ValueSubtracted She was in S1E1, scene 1. She was trying to get him to leave his cabin and get back to work.
She was in “A Quality of Mercy” as well.
I rewatched the beginning and around 10:17 Spock mentioned that the collision was hundreds of years ago, so they should have felt the effects on the previous mission. Then in the shuttle they mention that the meteor was already there for thousands of years… So I’m just more confused why the memory effects weren’t there before.
They were in and out in four hours was mentioned deliberately I feel , and then the trekking for 6hours before laan started it all
They said in the episode that the original mission had been so short (4 hours if I recall correctly), Pike’s crew had not felt the effects.
Yup, they basically touched down, immediately encountered some nasty violent opposition, and cut their losses and left bleeding. It was bad enough to make Pike question his fitness as a leader.
If I remember right, she’s in the very first scene of SNW. A bearded Pike in Alaska riding a horse to a cabin where they’re staying together. She’s gently needling him about whether he should go back to a command. I think she’s about to leave to go back to her ship after a vacation together. Something like that.
I think he forgot how to read English. I suspect had he remembered how to switch his padd to a Vulcan script, he would have been able to read that. Maybe.
For the last one: Spock stated that the previous mission they hadn’t stayed as long as they were when the effects started happening.
Your 2nd point is valid for Tinnitus sufferers like myself I think. I found the early moments of the episode quite uncomfortable as a result of hearing that tone amongst the already present tones in my real world!
Good Lord they established that Pike and Batel have a relationship in the first episode.
The first scene of the first episode, even.
Maybe it’s a nod to Discovery establishing he had a learning disability similar to dyslexia.
If I remember correctly, the very first scene of S1E1 was Batel waking up in Pike’s bed, so… yeah :D