In the process of questioning myself, I discovered that it doesn’t seem very natural to refer to myself as she/her at first. How did you yourself experiment it? Did it take some time getting used to? Or was it an instant relief?

    1 year ago

    it definitely takes quite a while. i started by just being stella (she/her) on discord and nowhere else, which already helped me kinda get used to it. my supportive family members eventually started to kinda “force” it onto me, not in a bad way, just like actively confronting me with the name and pronouns, both for them to get used to it and also for myself. that really helped me because otherwise i probably wouldve been too scared. nowadays i use my real name for everything i do and i have started to feel bad about my deadname. still, hearing my name and pronouns feels weird, but im slowly getting used to it and i love that :3