Join us for the 9th Annual DETROIT INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ANIMATION (DIFA) on Saturday, April 6th, 2024. Immerse yourself in an eclectic 99-minute mix of animated shorts showcasing a vibrant selection of works from both local and international animators.

Set in the historic Senate Theater in Detroit, this 1920’s Art Deco gem is not only known for its visual charm but also houses the world’s 8th largest Wurlitzer pipe organ [emphasis mine – r2 ]. Enjoy the classic concession stand, comfortable lounging areas, and the added convenience of secure parking.

Admission is $10 and doors open at 7pm with showtime at 8pm. Be sure to arrive by 7:30pm to see the Wurlitzer Pipe Organ preshow by the Detroit Theater Organ Society [again, emphasis mine ]!

What is it with Detroit movie houses and preserving giant organs?! I can’t even hold back the 13-year-old in me’s snicker! Giant organs! There’s The Detroit Theater Organ Club headquartered at The Senate Theatre. Then there’s The Motor City Theatre Organ Society over at The Redford Theatre. Are they rival factions, like The Sharks and The Jets? Did one, predating Linux, fork from the other? Whatever. What’s better than roses on my piano?

But I digress…and how. I used to love the animation festivals that semi-regularly made the rounds at the second-run cinemas when I was a kid; I discovered Ren & Stimpy and Beavis and Butthead from these animation fests! They’re a bunch of fun on the big screen and if you’re not in love with one, all you gotta do is wait two minutes before the next one starts!

Believe me, it’s not the same as letting YouTube auto-play animation shorts nor is it, as too many of you lament, going to the movies with ignorant clods that converse through a film or instagram/tweet/candycrush/converse on their blazingly bright cellphones.