French courts have been imposing disproportionately severe sentences for minor offenses, including 10 months in prison for stealing a can of Red Bull and one year for a homeless boy with schizophrenia caught looting a luxury store. The overwhelmed courts rush cases, provide minimal time for defendants, and prioritize punishment under the instruction of the Justice Minister. Furthermore, the French government is censoring social media and justifying it by claiming to protect public order, but it infringes upon free speech and mirrors tactics used by authoritarian regimes. The justice system exhibits a double standard, favoring the privileged, and creates a class divide, leading to unrest. Ironically, the government compares itself to oppressive nations while undermining democratic principles.

    2 years ago

    We had a similar situation in the UK following protests/riots in summer 2011. People caught up at the scene got attacked by police and layer sentenced, while someone who took a packet of chewing gum from an open shop front after the crows had dispersed was jailed for over a year. The Director of Public Prosecutions who oversaw this is now the leader of our “left wing” party…

    Ultimately, state apparatuses are going to come down extremely hard on mass violent action because they represent a material threat to the state. Obviously these riots aren’t going to topple the 5th Republic, but if the state was seen to be unable to control them, or was forced to compromise with them through leniency, then it shows a weakness which makes this more likely in the future.