Haha I’m gonna sit here and scrape some crust or get all the oil perfectly gone? No, not a chance. I know who put the oil there. I did. It’s simple.
Haha I’m gonna sit here and scrape some crust or get all the oil perfectly gone? No, not a chance. I know who put the oil there. I did. It’s simple.
There are way better reasons to go vegan than “so I can clean less” but less risk from meat/dairy germs on used dishes is a nice perk all the same.
food keeping for ages is nice too. And something about to start going bad but you want to use it? throw it in a jar with vinegar and sugar + some spice. Boom it’s a pickle now.
Mmmmmm, botulism
Westerners rly afraid of blah blah blah the way you cook is a type of classism or something look it not scrubbing my pans that hard okay
Maybe my vegan friends are just bad at cooking, but i swear any time they use my steel pans they leave them fucked right to fucktown.
Cast iron for life
Steel has its uses as well. I’ve got 2 giant cast iron pans, a smaller steel pan and a cast iron wok. It loses heat when removed from the source faster which can be useful when juggling a few pans at once and you don’t want something to keep cooking after you turn off the heat.
Carbon steel is a great kinda hybrid of both imo if you can find it for a good price. Heats up much quicker and more evenly than cast iron and is not as heavy too, so really versatile. It also gets seasoned for that flavour and non-stick quality although not as well as cast iron.
Obviously there’s lots of styles of cooking but my experience is that vegan cooking tends to result in a lot of burnt stew-type dishes. I think it might have to do with not enough fat.
Needs more coconut milk/cream
That and chronically overheating the pan it seems in their particular cases. I’ve spent a lot of time scouring chick peas and lentils of my favorite pans.
Working at a vegan restaurant was sooooo much easier just for this reason. Stack shelves however, reuse the same cutting board and knife for most of your prep, needing only to give a quick sani spray and wipe em down for allergy reasons and not fully sanitize in a dishwasher like with meat. Everything keeps longer/goes bad at the same rate, health code wise, just a lot less hassle.