Trueanon rule number NaN: Never, ever, give up your nukes. If you don’t have any, BUILD THEM. If you absolutely have to get rid of them, always keep ONE hid in reserve.
I always thought Iran was perpetually in the “we don’t have nukes but have the capacity to make one in a week if you piss us off” camp. We won’t really know unless history takes a bad turn really fast which it might idk
Trueanon rule number NaN: Never, ever, give up your nukes. If you don’t have any, BUILD THEM. If you absolutely have to get rid of them, always keep ONE hid in reserve.
I always thought Iran was perpetually in the “we don’t have nukes but have the capacity to make one in a week if you piss us off” camp. We won’t really know unless history takes a bad turn really fast which it might idk
and it hasnt worked which is why they need nukes
The Iranians aren’t stupid, they’ve produced their own domestic drones and hypersonics. They’ll reveal their capabilities on their own time.