• TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    So many celebrities and famous people grew up very well off, despite their relatable personas. If I ever get famous, I’ll be upfront about not being average or typical. I’m not normal. Not better or worse, just not like most people.

      • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        I’ve met some famous people, and I wouldn’t say that’s entirely the case. I met some before they got famous, and they were genuinely skilled. However, they were so good thanks to their parents fostering their passion and paying for what they needed to improve. A minority of famous people actually grew up poor, but still made it. However, even they benefitted from forces outside their control like living near an artistic community or learning helpful ideas from some random person in their life.

        Wealth doesn’t hand people success, but it does give them opportunities. They become good at something because they had everything they needed to succeed, while most people don’t. I’ve met rich kids who didn’t succeed despite the wealth, although not succeeding as a rich kid is far more forgiving than not succeeding if you’re poor.

        Few people don’t work hard for success, but most people work hard and aren’t successful. Being born rich is luck, but so is having physical or mental traits that help you in what you do. Some people grow tall enough to play professional basketball, but most don’t. That’s not because they deserve it, but because they got lucky. That doesn’t take away from basketball players hard work, but they were only able to succeed because chance allowed them to.

      • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        What’s “better” is relative to the goal and environment. In respect to being a functional adult, I’m definitely different ~I’m worse~