It’s incredible how much the prices have fallen and that’s how it should be. Sure, I bought the 960 close to launch but still the difference is staggering.
The 960 Evo still chugs along albeit it’s a new one because a few months after I bought it, I had to RMA it. I guess that’s what happens when you are an early adopter. I lost a few hours of work when the original 960 Evo decided to stop working but it also taught me to be more paranoia with backups.
Yup, there’s a Linustech tip video about this. HDD prices have kinda been set in stone for a good while now
So, maybe HDD can hardly get any more cheaper as there is little to non room for improvement while SSD can get higher NAND transistors density.
Just since I’ve setup a plex server (about 8 years now) midrange sizes have gone from 4->16 TBs. Personally I think the bulk of the issue is that HDD customers switched from a mix of enterprise and personal, to nearly all enterprise. Companies really don’t care if a HDD is $200 or $500, so basically all high capacity drives are priced at B2B prices, not consumer
do you think you can link the video?
Couldn’t find it within 5 minutes of searching - therefor I accounce that such a video does not exist
Let me see if I can find it. LMG pumps out tons of videos
Are you still in there?
Could be hardware unboxed FAQ actually.