Is this how most people type on mobile these days, drawing lines all over a keyboard instead of tapping the individual keys? I’ve never had an iPhone so I don’t even know if they can do this natively, but I know you can switch keyboards at least, so it should still be an option if not.
TIL the creator of T9 predictive text also invented Swype
Damn, talk about being on a roll!
T9 was the shit
I still use Swype somehow? Not sure how the app is still working after it was acquired, and I thought, abandoned.
Have tried many other swipe capable keyboards and none compare for me for some reason (even though quality of Swype recognition has gone down noticeably over the years).
I thought it was just me. I swear the version of Swype that came with an ancient Motorola running Android 4 worked better than the version I use now.
I bounce back and forth. I’m faster using two thumbs and tapping but if I’m typing one handed swipe is far superior.
This is the way to do it. Autocorrect is doing 90% of the work in either case anyway, lol.
I have autocorrect turned off.
Full manual baybeeeeeeDucking autocorrect.
Same. I hate correcting autocorrect.
You’re a brave man
Living life in the fadt lane.
How do i upvote this harder?
Teh daneger xone
Same, but even when I type one-handed, I also bounce back and forth at each word. Swiping gets short words wrong more often, but more rarely long words.
So for instance, for “I am on vacation”, the only word I’d swipe when one-handed is “vacation”. If I swiped “am”, I’d probably have a 50-50 chance of getting “an”; which may or may not self-correct later, depending on what else it got wrong.
Exact same. Two thumbs when typing longer responses or when both hands are free. One handed always swiping unless I need to type an uncommon word or name.
I mostly use the swipe method on my iPhone, yep
Excessively, yes. Most people look at me weirdly when I tell them I do, though, but I’ve grown quite fond of the swipe input method.
I’ve been using it exclusively for nearly a decade at this point.
No I don’t use it, never liked it
Both, I use swipe as my go-to method but if it doesn’t write the proper word I tend to erase it and type it one letter after the other (which happened 3 times as I wrote this comment).
same, but with more mistypes, as the Ukrainian language has all these word endings that make words longer and harder for the keyboard to guess.
This is the way! Also what a lot of others already commented, that it’s more smooth to use with one hand. For me it’s also nice to use, when it comes to switching languages. English is my second language and with swipe it feels like the autocorrect works pretty good, because it is more forgiving if you don’t know exactly how the word is actually written. A small idea about how the word is constructed is enough.
This is very common if you switch languages often. Half the time I’m typing something in spanish and want an english word it jumps the gun and outputs a word I’ve never ever used, and viceversa. That said, I still prefer swipe.
Yup, been using Google keyboard pretty reliably for 8 years or so, but still need to use popup options and proofread and make corrections. I find the voice “typing” faster and more accurate now, but don’t want to speak to my phone when people are around.
No. I tried it but I wasn’t patient enough to get it calibrated to my needs.
For a long time, maybe since they introduced it until about 2 years ago, and then I feel like they really got the voice to text down, and I mostly use that now
Swipe typing is the only thing that keeps me using google keyboard. Their implementation is the only one that works well for me. I think I used to use Swype before, that feels like forever ago
I worry about Google using the keyboard to violate my privacy so i moved to 8vin. It is a really odd keyboard but you get used to it after a few weeks.
It was about 5 years ago that I last used Swype, and man do I miss it. Gboard, like you said, does very well. But I recall fewer frustrations with Swype when it was still supported. Sigh…
I swipe and tap to type. It really depends on what I’m doing. If I’m typing one handed, swiping is really nice and super fast. I’ll also swipe to type if my phone is on the table and I’m only typing with one finger. If I’m using both hands, I will generally tap to type.
Edit to add I used SwiftKeys on Android
I’ve been using SwiftKey for ages, as well.
Always, it’s faster
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