“I expect a semi-dystopian future with substantial pain and suffering for the people of the Global South,” one expert said.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I’m only horrified for all the non-human life we’re continuing to decimate on the way out.

    Humans don’t even seem to tolerate one another as we recklessly decimate this world with technologies we’re just smart enough to develop and then immediately use with the same consideration for consequences as a monkey being handed a loaded shutgun, supposedly in humanity’s name.

    You want us to survive so we can keep a perpetual underclass subsisting in misery? So we can point fingers and call this group and that nation and this gender and that race the problem over and over and over? We are the problem, sorry. Long term, our self-destruction will be a W for the Earth. It will take millions of years, but our mother will eventually clean up our mess we left behind, and continue on like we never existed.

    And from my perspective and decades of observation, that is for the best, including for our “everything will be great, once those humans I don’t like are shown their place” in perpetuity species.