• macrocarpa@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    being perennially excluded from parents group, kids activities, volunteering, coaching and other social connective activities because you’re a male parent and might accidentally sexually assault someone

    losing multiple male friends to suicide, and seeing society handwave it away as being less important than any other form of death, despite its incidence being 10 times that of homicide

    being objectified as inherently dangerous, simply for having a penis, and worse still understanding why

    starting each day trying to be good, and do good, and that still never, ever being enough

    Why participate?

    • Devorlon@lemmy.zip
      5 months ago

      That stuff sucks, and to add to your first point, I love hanging out with kids. They view the world in an interesting way that usually leads to funny out of context quotes about their parents.

      But would I go up to even an acquaintances kid to talk? No. Since I’m a 199cm (🇲🇲6’6🇱🇷) hunk of man meat, I’d probably scare the kid and parent half to death.

      The same goes for anyone, not just women. I don’t have the right to make anyone feel unsafe and if I am, then it’s my duty to walk away.

      It’s not my fault, or yours. It’s just the way of things, and the only way we can fix it, is to respect everyone’s feelings. Unless they’re minimising your loss of someone, in which case fuck them.

      • linkhidalgogato@lemmy.ml
        5 months ago

        why should anyone be thought of as scary by other simply because of how they were born, people shouldnt look at someone and assume they are gonna start killing people just because they are big or a man, that is wrong it is wrong to think that way and the people who do should change.

        I mean the idea that if people perceive u as dangerous for no good reason they should act as if u were dangerous and thats just something u have to deal with is ridiculous, in any other context this line of reasoning would be considered obviously wrong if a white person acted as tho all black people were dangerous they would be rightly called racists and be expected to change their behavior so why should it be any different with men, why is it suddenly ok good even to uphold the patriarchy against men, this is ridiculous if people feel afraid of u for no reason u should challenge them on it and question it not just accept it as if it were normal.