SYDNEY, May 16 (Reuters) - Armed forces were protecting New Caledonia’s two airports and port after a third night of violent riots that have killed four people, the Pacific Island’s top French official said on Thursday morning, adding at least four alleged instigators were under house arrest.

In three municipalities on the French-ruled island, gendarmes faced about 5,000 rioters, including between 3,000 and 4,000 in the capital Noumea, France’s High Commissioner Louis Le Franc said in a televised press conference.

Two hundred people have been arrested, and 64 gendarmes and police injured, while road barricades put up by the protesters were causing a “dire situation” for medicine and food for the population, he added.

    • whoreticulture
      5 months ago

      That’s misleading. 39% are Kanak, 11% is mixed and 27% is European. The mixed group could be anything, but you have potentially around early-30% of the population being of partially European descent, and early-40% Kanak when you account for mixed race people.

      The word minority is used when they are mathematically a minority, as compared to a majority with 50%+ of the population … which isn’t applicable here… There isn’t a majority … and the European-descended population is near the numbers of the Kanal population.

      It’s also used to describe a situation in which a group is otherized or oppressed in some way (such as women, who are not in the minority but are sometimes referred to as such, although the term “marginalized” has become more common). The Europeans are definitely not oppressed considering the ongoing colonial relationship.

      The populations under 10% could be described as minorities, but what you are saying is incredibly misleading and I don’t even know why you’re bringing it up. But, you probably don’t know why you’re bringing it up either. Just your contrarian fetish.