Manifestantes dizem ter sido vítimas de violência racista e xenófoba, ameaças de morte e pontapés. Confrontos físicos aconteceram esta sexta-feira à tarde, junto à estátua de D. Dinis, na Universidade de Coimbra, onde decorria uma manifestação pacífica.
I’m the opposite. I believe Trump supporters are fully responsible for their own actions. If they go and kill someone, I don’t fucking care if Trump told them to do it when they had other choices. Unless these people are so mentally deficient that they’d need constant care and legal guardians to make decisions for them then they are completely capable of choosing to not be shit heads.
Individual actions, of course. But I don’t hold them responsible for trumps administration’s actions. They were tricked and continue to be so. And society falled them long ago.
I’m the opposite. I believe Trump supporters are fully responsible for their own actions. If they go and kill someone, I don’t fucking care if Trump told them to do it when they had other choices. Unless these people are so mentally deficient that they’d need constant care and legal guardians to make decisions for them then they are completely capable of choosing to not be shit heads.
Individual actions, of course. But I don’t hold them responsible for trumps administration’s actions. They were tricked and continue to be so. And society falled them long ago.