• MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    I mean, putting a business security camera in to a place with foot thick insulation is going to be a pretty penny; that said, I’ve seen payroll costs and comparing to even an extravagant camera plus labor to install it in a difficult location, holy shit does payroll cost more.

    Literally, to cover the cost of a high end camera installed in a difficult location, even if it was several thousand dollars; if you split that cost up among all of your payroll over a month it would probably work out to pennies an hour per person.

    Let’s do some quick napkin math here…

    Let’s say at any given time a small place has five employees on staff on average for every hour they’re open. In reality, even a pretty small full service restaurant probably has more, but let’s roll with it. Let’s say they’re open… 10? Hours a day? That’s 50 hours a day. Over a month, where you’re open daily, that’s about 30 days…ish. so ~1500 hrs over the month. Factor the cost out for a few months, so 3k hours. Conservatively, if everyone “donated” $1/hr over two months, it would more than pay for the camera. The reality is that there’s probably a lot more hours, and a lot more workers. On top of that, the only reasonable amortization for the device would be over it’s rated lifetime, which is likely 5+ years. So if you factor that in, it’s less than a cent an hour even at our small example of a place. The excuse that’s given here is so much utter bullshit.

    If we go full economics on this shit, the cost of the whip charges and the rate at which they’re being lost should factor in too, because by installing the camera you either deter someone abusing them, or you catch and fire the perpetrator, and the theft stops, and you get all the money you didn’t lose to their habit back. Over time that will probably pay off the camera, and then some.

    This isn’t the responsibility of the employees.

    The idea that it is, is entirely fiction, and a narrative used to justify not giving people raises, and help turn employees against their fellow employees and report those that are “causing” the company to “lose money” or whatever (they’re not losing money, at most it’s reducing the profits taken home by the owner). It’s a desperate ploy to make you give a shit about the profits of the shareholders, and I hope anyone who sees bullshit like this finds a better employer.