• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • It was that they wanted to get republicans elected.

    The “old guard” was going to move the national headquarters from DC to Colorado so they could make a compound with shooting ranges to give classes and shit

    The “new guard” that staged the revolution canceled that, and sunk that money into lobbying and that’s been their primary expenditure pretty much ever since.

    It’s always stunk to me as a Republican backed strategy to set up an intermediary for donation washing back when we still had campaign finance laws.

    Like, shit was the same time as Watergate, shady shit was happening all over and it’s not like everything came to light.

  • Yep, there’s even elections in non presidential years!

    What’s unfortunate is with a Dem presidential candidate like Biden that people aren’t excited about, is it makes the down ballot races less likely to win in red states. 08 Obama was fucking huge in that respect, and I’m feeling old now that it’s apparently ancient history and no one remember.

    Hell, even just 2020 there was that effect because people wanted trump gone and Biden was still an unknown to most Dems nationwide.

    Lots of people believed last primary and the promised Biden made.

    It’s hard to get that goodwill back from voters.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldAh Bernie, what could have been...
    12 hours ago

    We have to face that loads of high ranking “moderate” Dems would prefer a Republican to a progressive.

    If a Republican gets in office, it makes it easier to get people vote lesser of two evils.

    If a progressive gets in office, it’s really hard to unseat them. They can barely manage to get House Reps out for moderates even with AIPAC money.

    If Bernie had won 2016, he’d have gotten to name the DNC chair, he could of solidly ended in the failed neo liberal experiment.

    We were really fucking close to fixing things, but after NH got their delegates stolen, I don’t think itll happen.

    I honestly think if a real progressive wins a presidential party primary, the standing party might disregard it.

  • Some of the videos of Mr. Biden circulating during this year’s campaign are clearly manipulated to make him look old and confused. Others cut out vital context to portray him in a negative light, a process sometimes known as a “cheap fake” because it requires little expense or technological skill to create.

    And some are simply brief, unedited clips of an octogenarian president who is an uneven public speaker prone to verbal miscues, who shuffles at times (his doctor has said he has a “stiffened gait,” partly because of arthritis) and who is otherwise showing signs of his age, his greatest and most persistent political liability.

    I think that’s the rub.

    It doesn’t take much to exaggerate it to where he looks incapable because he’s 82 freaking years old.

    He’s 20 years past retirement age for his generation, his age is effecting him. Just because it’s not as bad as Republicans say, doesn’t mean it’s not bad.

    We can’t let Republicans define our standards. What they say just flat out doesn’t matter.

    But reality does.

    I do disagree with the end:

    his greatest and most persistent political liability.

    His greatest and most persistent political liability is being consistently more conservative than Dem voters want, and a complete refusal to ever compromise with them, while repeatedly giving Republicans want they want.