I almost puked while preparing this from the smell alone. Went to the trash after two bites.
Hot take: this shit is delicious. And I hate both Flaming Hot Cheetos and Takis.
It tastes wholly unnatural and looks more radioactive than my aunt from Hanford but daggum if it doesn’t taste wonderfully spicy and cheesy (in a velveeta kind of way)
I couldn’t detect any cheesy flavour in this.
That was my issue, too. I love garbage boxed mac ‘n cheese and I like flamin’ hot cheetos. This was neither, it was bland and acidic.
Is that Hanford, CA? lol, I remember the drinking water problem there.
Nope Hanford, WA
It’s like the FDA doesn’t even exist anymore.
The FDA only cares whether it’s technically safe to eat, not whether it tastes good.
I’m not sure where to put these on a venn diagram between unsafe and tastes bad.
“Safe” merely means it doesn’t contain any prohibited chemicals or unsafe levels of unavoidable contaminants (such as mercury in seafood). It’s by no means a dietary endorsement.
Wait, is that Cheetos-flavored Mac and cheese, or Mac-and-cheese-flavored Cheetos?
It’s Cheetos flavoured mac and cheese. I have trash tastes and had the jalapeno flavour once and I liked it.
Well, Cheddar Jalapeño is the best Cheeto flavor, so I can see that being the best Cheeto mac & cheese flavor too.
White cheddar? Those “simply” cheetos are fucking delicious.
My cousin loves this shit and idk how. It’s so fucking gross. The dude mixes imitation crab in with it and says it’s incredible. 🤢
Lol is your cousin a wild animal? That’s insane
I’m pretty sure most wild animals avoid capscasin like the plague…
oh, good point. @LaunchesKayaks is your cousin a seagull?
Well yeah of course they do. Most wild animals don’t know how to speak French
Which is fine, as the word capscasin originated in English in the 1800s
Propet spelling is “capsaicin”.
dude, you’re not kidding. I tried this and it was beyond revolting. I had to tell my wife that we’re never trying any crazy flavor of mac and cheese again as long as I live.
It tasted like ass. Literally had to rinse my mouth out after the first bite.
Thank God it’s not just me! My wife eats just about a box of these per week. I tried it and thought that a bottle of acid diarrheaed in my mouth
Why would she do that
I stopped questioning her bad choices when she agreed to marry me
Are you my long lost twin? Did you marry my wife’s long lost triplet? (She has a twin sister)
I don’t know if it’s the wording or what, but this sounds like some sort of riddle where the answer is that you’re your own sister.
Yeah those are pretty bad. The spiral pasta though can be used with other Mac and cheese instead if you have an extra box of this stuff. I find the Annie’s brand to be the ultimate box Mac and cheese since it seems like they use actual cheese lol and not whatever garbage they have in the Cheetos flavoring packet.
+1 for Annie’s being the best. Just objectively true. Their white cheddar is my favorite.
I feel the Jalapeno one was the least worst of the three.
The weird thing is, there is no other mac n cheese available in my country, or flaming hot Cheetos.
Where do you live, hell?
Would you like a simple Mac and cheese recipe that goes well with almost any pasta except for spaghetti or angel hair?
…what the fuck?
The food importer really went balls to the wall freedom eagle liberty on you.
I made this once. Had everyone in my house try it. Multiple people gagged.
My kid keeps asking me to buy more
Euthanasia is still legal in some countries somewhere
It’s legal in Canada
Thank you… MacN’Cheezuz!
Can confirm, these are absolute trash. Every flavour.
More for me! Not a fan of the flaming hot flavour in general, but i really like the Jalepeno cheddar
You and me both! The regular one is really good too. I don’t mess with flaming hot.
My son and I loved it! 😂
You need to feed your son better food lol
My son loved the idea, and went back to Cabot Mac and cheese the next time. To each their own. Sometimes a snack is whatever you can convince them to eat that day.
Fed is better than not fed.
deleted by creator
I tried these once and it gave me diarrhea
Sucks to be you then. I’ve had many of these with no problems
I need those. I hope they make it into the German market.
Didn’t they yet? I bought this at a Lidl in Poland.
The hottest spice I’ve ever tasted whenever I’ve been in Germany has been salt. Everything has been so mild, I’m pretty sure this will never be sold there.
But this shit wasn’t spicy at all. It just tasted like vomit.
Oh my fucking God…they are like shitty Cheeto soup
My cousin loves this shit and idk how. It’s so fucking gross.
Oh my fucking God…they are like shitty Cheeto soup
If you make it as-is then yeah, I’m sure it’s pretty mediocre, but similar to ramen, if you use some simple food hacks, then this stuff is friggin’ delicious. Here’s some tips:
- First of all if it’s soupy, then you’ve added WAY too much water. It’s not supposed to be like that.
- Second, it’s generally a bad idea to microwave or pour boiling water in to mixes like this because: 1) the stuff usually doesn’t cook very well, and 2) whatever’s in the container will usually leech in to the food. This probably isn’t too bad for this Cheeto’s stuff (cup is made with cardboard and maybe plastic / wax coating), but is dreadful for the instant ramen mixes, which usually use styrofoam.
- So, it’s best to start with some veggies in a pot before adding the ingredients. Stuff like onions, thinly-sliced cabbage, maybe a tomato make a huge difference. Since you’re already likely a spice-head if you’re trying this out, add some extra red pepper flakes and maybe some curry powder, too. After that all cooks for a while, THEN add the noodles. Could throw an egg in there, too.
- Cook until noodles are soft, drain any excess water if necessary, then stir in the flavoring and some extra grated parm or similar.
- What you get is a deliciously spicy alt to mac & cheese which features thinner, tastier noodles and all kind of extra flavors. Perfect cold weather snack IMO.
If you’re going to go through all of that for Cheetos Mac n cheese you’re far better off just cooking actual food.
It takes less effort and ingredients to make agio de olio for example.
Not true.
As with loaded ramen, it takes very little effort to make this kind of meal.Yeah, it might seem complicated for a first-timer, but if you simply experiment a couple times, you’ll hit on a personalised, tasty hot snack that you can pretty much make in your sleep.
Making a real meal doesn’t take much effort also. Your talking about preparing boxed mac and cheese as if it’s real cooking.
That’s meaningless without an example, and just dodges the point of what I’m saying.
A “real meal” could be almost anything. Last night for example I was in the mood for french fries. So I spiralised a large potato, soaked it in two cold water baths (IYKYK), pressed, drained, brushed with oil, then spent about three 10min intervals air-frying and carefully turning & separating, repeat. Finally seasoning them and enjoying them.
Guess how much more effort that took than doing the loaded mac & cheese?
Water?! I’ve never made mac and cheese without milk, occasionally cream if it’s all i got.
Then again i can’t stand tomatoe soup made with water and not milk either.
Guess its just what you learned to expect from being a kid
It’s like if Ramen was soaked in really gross Mac n cheese and also some how more unpleasant.
I’m just gonna take your word for it lmao
Dude. If you add veggies, spices and parmesan to pasta, that’s a meal. You don’t need a packet of Cheeto flavouring. It will only make it worse.