The hammer and sickle? Classic, original, awesome. But my fav is the Starry Plough personally

  • KiG
    2 years ago

    That’s awesome!!

    I’ve been wanting to see more alternative communist symbols, maybe even drafting a few of my own, but the hammer and sickle will always be the most badass, the most inspiring, and the most emotional for me as I have a long time attachment to it from even long before my days as a communist. It also helps that it so powerfully and instantaneously strikes fear into the hearts of capitalists and fascists.

    I do think a modern iteration would be cool, but I don’t think a cell phone and a weed whacker crossed has quite the same effect.

    I know it’s a cliche used by every movement and ideology across all of life and even fiction but I always liked the idea of a phoenix–especially in America, where it’s hard to imagine things turning for the better unless they first get much worse.