Donald Trump gave a rambling two-hour speech at a right-wing conference where he branded the U.S. a “third-world hellhole” under President Biden’s leadership. He falsely claimed the 2020 election was rigged and investigations against him are an attempt to rig the 2024 election. He threatened to revoke funding from universities and pledged to revive the Muslim ban, mass deportations, and ending birthright citizenship. Several speakers at the conference made inflammatory claims about transgender people, calling transition healthcare “Mengele-like experimentation” and referring to trans people as “freaks” and "perverts.

  • Former Fox News personality Megyn Kelly said she no longer has empathy for people experiencing gender dysphoria. “There should be a healthy measure of ridicule,” she told Kirk during a lengthy discussion about trans people and the erasure of trans rights, which Kirk said is a “winner politically for Republicans.”

    These people are fucking ghouls.