Still reading the previous novel from last time, though I’m knocking some other books that I’ve been reading; there’s less to read and, therefore, more time to focus on what I have, which seems great, imho.
Tagging people that stuck around last time:
Have fun. Just discuss anything and everything about the topic.
Get creative. Idk.
You’d have to get used to some of the general trends and tropes. Do you have Goodreads? Do you keep up with news outlets that talk about recent books like Tor?
I have Goodreads but an slowly moving off of there. I’m friends with a bunch of people I barely knew from back when I had Facebook and I don’t want them seeing me reading communist stuff all the time.
lol Good idea. Where will you go to?
I just transferred my reading list to the Reading List app. I didn’t really use the social aspect of Goodreads anyways. And most of the times I found myself getting mad at the reviews lol.
Reading List app? Never heard of it.
It’s just called Reading List. It was one of the best reviewed in the App Store. Very simple but it fits what I need.