Hey there guys! After today’s fiasco, I decided that we need some moderators that aren’t me or Ada. If you would like to be a moderator, please reply to this post with why you think you would be a good mod, and any previous social medias that I can check out just to make sure you’re not a troll (reddit is the most useful but twitter/mastodon/whatever works too).
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Hey, I’d be happy to mod. I have a decent amount of free time and I have had some experience moderating in the past, including one small subreddit where I had to deal with regular brigading and trolls.
Reddit: u/piraka-the-plant (also u/pirakaplant but I deleted that account after Reddit decided I was being very mean to a certain human trafficker and permanently suspended it)
Yep, you can get mod. Just press the shortcut keys alt+f4 and you will be given mod status.
Moss’s alt has left the chat.
We need mode(rule)rs
Landed gentry
Hey there, social worker from germany here, working in sexual paedagogics, willing to give some time to weed through the hate.
No mod experience, no reddit poweruser, but from my profile should be clear that i am no troll/asshole
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/No-Mycologist921
If you have more questions i am happy to answer them
Best wishes
Welcome aboard! Here’s the rules: join the discord link I sent you via DM. If you feel someone deserves to be banned please send their username/a screenshot of them to the discord, along with why they need to be banned i.e. image of their comment reason:transphobia. Then you can go ahead and ban them. If I end up feeling like it’s not actually a bannable offense I’ll go in and restore them to the community. Removing content does not need to be run by me. Also, no making other people mods.
Just a heads up, once a mod marks a report as resolved, the admins won’t see it, so if someone needs to be banned from the whole instance, make sure you drop me a DM
I’m a former moderator of reddit’s nonbinary meme sub, and current moderator of chaotes vs patriarchy and soulism 101. Very left, and very plugged into forms of ableism and transphobia that might not be apparent to the vast majority of people.
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I generally would love to, but I just have way too much on my plate right now and not the time to really focus on it.
Mainly just writing this here so I might reference it sometimes in the future haha.
Good luck on your search though :)Removed by mod
Heloo, I am very normal and can be trusted with power.
I’m magmaus3 (obviously), also available at @magmaus3@mk.absturztau.be and on reddit as u/magmaus3.
I don’t have a lot of experience in moderation, but I’ll be a responsible person for the job :3
I am Lorelai, I created this sublemmy :) @Lorelai@tech.lgbt
I am a human adult with a job, I will give an average amount of effort but I’m also honest about it. My handle on Reddit was Vlaxxtocia because my finger slipped and I didn’t notice until I’d already liked a bunch of shit and didn’t want to start over
No experience but happy to learn and to much time on my hands that ought to be used for something good.
Can do it in drag as well, if needed.
I’ve had experience moderating niche message boards that often got spammed with sometimes hateful stuff, so I can look at reports and delete any bigoted/jerkass content to spare others. Anything beyond obviously harmful content, I’d prefer to leave to delegate to others unless there is a community guidelines that makes it clear what kind of stuff is/n’t allowed.