Netflix says people just kind of rolled over and accepted the password sharing crackdown::Netflix subscriptions are up almost 6 million this quarter, suggesting we’re all just too exhausted to fight this stuff

    2 years ago

    OK, sure, except that Netflix is incentivized to say as much, regardless of public sentiment.

    I’m sure the hit they took to subscribers is worth it in terms of their balance sheets, else we would see a retraction, but there’s no real way for them to know what the subscriber base would look like in the absence of anti-consumer policies (or their increasingly unsatisfying content production policies), based solely on historical subscriber data.

    Users who got sick of it left, but we can only leave once, and Netflix wasn’t going to try and retain us unless the exodus was unprecedented. I’d argue the real proof of customer dissatisfaction will be the piracy numbers on their various shows. Customers who want their content, but not their costs or policy restrictions, represent actual money left on the table.

    As for their labor practices, well - like Adam Conover said, strikes are more effective than boycotts, and there are several ongoing. Won’t do much for the user experience, but maybe the long term consequence is fewer, better shows with actual completed stories.