So labeling the “massive influx of migrants” as a “national security risk” like Biden has done, doesn’t count as a continuation and in fact enlargement of the previous “terriost” policy, why is one right the other wrong in your books? Is it because the team you don’t like did one and the team you do like did the other?
Can we allow uncontrolled numbers from coming into the us? No
So you believe imaginary lines in the sand are sacrosanct, even if it means putting people in concentrations camps, dividing families and enlarging the power of the state to literally hunt people for glorified jaywalking?
I’m looking at tens of thousands of people crossing over without a proper support system setup. I’m looking at people that will be targeted and have higher rates of abuse. Not everything in the world is black and white.
So you believe denying those people asylum, putting them in concentration camps, separating them from their families, labeling them criminals and national security threats and sending them back to death and absolute poverty is actually the state helping them? Is that seriously your claim?
So labeling the “massive influx of migrants” as a “national security risk” like Biden has done, doesn’t count as a continuation and in fact enlargement of the previous “terriost” policy, why is one right the other wrong in your books? Is it because the team you don’t like did one and the team you do like did the other?
So you believe imaginary lines in the sand are sacrosanct, even if it means putting people in concentrations camps, dividing families and enlarging the power of the state to literally hunt people for glorified jaywalking?
I don’t think he is even from the US he’s on a .de site which makes this somehow funnier.
A German who’s a massive racist particularly to immigrants?
First time for everything huh
they are not racist, they love döner
We’ve been talking to a racist sauerkraut this whole time?!
Well not anymore I guess
idk why we’re federated with that shithole site I’ve literally never seen a poster from there who wasn’t like this
Low level lib grinding zone
prologue instance
I’m looking at tens of thousands of people crossing over without a proper support system setup. I’m looking at people that will be targeted and have higher rates of abuse. Not everything in the world is black and white.
So then the answer is to set up that support system and punish those that would target vulnerable migrants right?
Oh no? You just want to punish people fleeing from violence and impoverishment inflicted on them by our own foreign policy?
Cool. Face the wall please.
How about we deport you to make room?
So you believe denying those people asylum, putting them in concentration camps, separating them from their families, labeling them criminals and national security threats and sending them back to death and absolute poverty is actually the state helping them? Is that seriously your claim?