He was always the coolest shonen character to me.
He was also black coded and GOATed as well.
Idk if he was even black coded but everybody knew piccolo was black for a number of reasons. Haven’t read this relevant title yet but it sounded interesting
Nice I might have to check this book out.
green, antennas, kinda surly but also a pretty fully realized character for DBZ, what’s not to love?
Piccolo was pretty cool ngl
The only God we worship in this house 🙏
We all love Gohan’s primary Dad.
He’s not the stepdad, he’s just the dad that stepped up.
30 on 30
Piccolo was always the GOAT. Glad he gets to be powerful & relevant again after DB Super Hero.
Yeah only characters stronger now as far as I know are beast gohan and maybe black frieza.
He’s on par with goku and vegeta once again
if i were to cosplay a DBZ character it would be him. really like his outfit too